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HD video loop, 5.45 min / projection 170 x 300 cm  
Warsaw (Poland), Reenactment of the Battle of Berlin 1945


wojna, video art by Anna Baranowski 2012

The videoloop wojna shows a reconstruction of the Battle of Berlin ´45, which has been reenacted in May 2012 in Warsaw. Polish amateur soldiers slip into the 2nd World War uniforms of Soviets and SS for the purpose of an impossible journey through time. The victim Poland in the garment of its enemies or one could also say: The sheep in the wolf´s fur. Anna Baranowski prevents consciously that the recepient becomes witness of a war, how apparently the Polish title wojna promises. She only allows an exact reckoning of the fascinated amateur soldiers apparently everlasting waiting on the starting signal to let the battle begin. The focus of the almost photogragphic, but moving images lies on the might suggesting body language, that is exposed as powerless by observing them for a longer time. Anna Baranowski frames with ´wojna` her personal rebuff to reenactments as a method to narrate history and to construct commemorative culture.

 © 2019 by Anna Baranowski

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